Request a Return
Request to return must be within 30 days of your original purchase of the item. When returning the item, it must be new in original packaging and in condition for resale. If you get approved for return, we will send you a return slip. The customer is expected to pay for the shipping return. Damages done to the product during transit or prior to return is at the customer’s expense. If your product is damaged during transit, you must contact your shipping courier. PLEASE NOTE you will be charged with a 10% restocking fee.
Once we receive your returns and they are approved. You will have the opportunity to get your refund to the original payment method. We will contact you with final confirmation. If there are any issues or you have any questions do not hesitate to email us. ( We hope you find everything you need on our site and hope you have a great experience with us.
Imperfect/Damaged items
If you receive an item that is damaged or has any imperfections upon arrival, please contact us via email ( with pictures of the damaged product in its original packaging.
Request must be made within 3 Business Days
If the product has been installed or shows proof of damage by the customer, you will not have the option to return. If you get approved for return, you will receive a confirmation and return slip.
Canceling order
If you order the wrong product or just simply want to cancel your order you have 2 business days after the original purchase. If the item has been shipped before you cancel, please follow our steps on requesting a return.